Connected and Active Communities (CAC) is a place-based approach that leverages local strengths to:

- increase physical activity participation;
- grow community and social connectedness;
- create equitable access and reduced social isolation;
- improve mental health and wellbeing;
- develop young leaders.

Developed with locals, for locals

The CAC Project focuses on the unique and exciting strengths of South Australian communities and views them as assets.

The aim is to establish across-sector relationships that contribute to and help deliver sustainable, community-driven solutions.

The CAC Project aims to build local and regional capacity to deliver physical activity participation opportunities and grow community connectedness through a range of interventions, developed with locals, for locals.

South Australia is built upon an assortment of strong and diverse communities.

The Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing (ORSR) recognises that those living within these communities are the experts in their own lives.

The Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing (ORSR) aims to work with and harness local expertise to inform, co-design and implement interventions that have lasting impact.

Delivery will be informed by local knowledge, broader research and evidence, and be dynamically implemented to enable changes in direction based on community needs/intermittent outcomes.

CAC aims to build capacity through the development of strengths and community assets, not dictate interventions based on what is not available.

Strengths can include elements such as people, places, spaces, clubs, schools, industry, culture and traditions.

  1. Regional Engagement Sessions
  2. Strength Report development
  3. Co-designed initiatives
  4. Activation Funding
  5. Continuous learning and adapting


South Australians feel supported and motivated to participate in sport and active recreation opportunities within their own community.


To partner with community to establish and foster relationships that grow localised capacity to build and deliver impactful physical activity interventions.

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